THR Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda was founded in 1994. The company has constantly aimed at exceeding its quality  when it comes to the industrial  packaging closure process and all of its field. Founded by professionals with such wide-range experience in developing products akin to packaging systems, THR modernizes itself constantly, as its own techniques in order to overcome standards.

Nossos objetivos no tocante ao desenvolvimento da linha de produtos vêm sendo plenamente alcançados, contudo continuamos envidando todos os esforços para manutenção do alto nível de
satisfação de nossos clientes. Hoje a THR possui três filiais, fabricando, desenvolvendo, importando e exportando uma ampla linha de produtos para fechamento industriais e movimentação
de cargas.


Our cornerstone lies upon being recognized by excellence and purveying high-quality services & products

Encouraging the spirit of innovativeness amongst our team in order to tackle problems by the simplest solutions in the field of industrial packaging closure.


  • We prospect to create competitive solutions in the market of packaging closure, always bringing our costumers’ needs forward.
  • By earning  fidelity amongst costumers, we aim to improve the standards already set to our products & services.
  • We utterly highlight environmental protection by inhibiting harmful industrial processes..
  • We too encourage our workers, co-workers and contributors to keep constantly growing and evolving.

Quality Policy

THR Industry’s efforts to major improvements lie upon:
